The ES Incident Review page still lists deleted Correlation Searches Names in the Multiselect box "Correlation Search Name". We'd like to not see these correlation searches in this filter box after we delete them.
1.) make sure there are no outstanding notable events tied to this correlation search
2.) remove the correlation search from the kvstore with an inputlookup / outputlookup by the _key for that correlation search
Example for correlation search "UC-104-TEST"
1) Find the key for the correlation search (e.g. "UC-104-TEST")
| inputlookup correlationsearches_lookup
| search rule_name = "UC-104-TEST"
| table _key, rule_name
"Threat - UC-104-TEST - Rule" for the _key field
2) Delete the correlation search by using the key
| inputlookup correlationsearches_lookup
| search _key!="Threat - UC-104-TEST - Rule"
| outputlookup correlationsearches_lookup
We have faced with the same issue. The solution was to change ESCU permission level to "App" from "Global".
With ES version 7+ containing a redesigned Incident Review dashboard the previous solution of modifying correlationsearches_lookup seems to no longer apply. We would like the ability to remove correlation searches from the drop down list. For example, we desire to remove disabled correlation searches and are seeking a work around.
When raising this with Splunk Support please reference SOLNESS-15144
1.) make sure there are no outstanding notable events tied to this correlation search
2.) remove the correlation search from the kvstore with an inputlookup / outputlookup by the _key for that correlation search
Example for correlation search "UC-104-TEST"
1) Find the key for the correlation search (e.g. "UC-104-TEST")
| inputlookup correlationsearches_lookup
| search rule_name = "UC-104-TEST"
| table _key, rule_name
"Threat - UC-104-TEST - Rule" for the _key field
2) Delete the correlation search by using the key
| inputlookup correlationsearches_lookup
| search _key!="Threat - UC-104-TEST - Rule"
| outputlookup correlationsearches_lookup
Steps to repro:
1. Create a correlation search
2. View the Incident Review page and click the multi select filter box for "Correlation Search Name" and find the correlation search
3. Delete the correlation search
4. The deleted correlation search still shows up in the filter box on the Incident Review page