I tried to create a correlation search by selecting application context as "DA-ESS-AccessProtection", and I am getting a successfully saved message, but while I am checking with the content management page, that particular correlation search type is showing as a saved search, and while I try to edit it, it's opening in saved search window.
I noticed this is happening only for some Application contexts which starts from "DA-ESS-", but for App contexts which start with "SA-", it is working fine.
I have no clue why this is happening for all "DA-ESS-" applications and not for "SA-"
@deepu123, what version of ES do you have? What do the correlationsearches.conf and savedsearches.conf files look like? There should be a stanza in both of those .conf files to reflect the correlation search...
we are running ES 4.1.1 on enterprise 6.4.0.
I'm not sure how the security analyst is using ES:
The issue I'm seeing, and there a few of these is:
The correlation search "Access - FS-ISAC Threat Alert - Rule" in app DA-ESS-NetworkProtection" has no corresponding saved searches stanza"
You can clearly see that when I bump down to CLI and grep the DA-ESS-NetworkProtectiion app you will see the both files have this stanza. Just tryting to figure out why Splunk throws this messages.
correlationsearches.conf:[Access - FS-ISAC Threat Alert - Rule]
correlationsearches.conf:rule_description = A threat alert was detected from the Soltra Edge FS-ISAC TAXII feed
correlationsearches.conf:rule_name = FS-ISAC Threat Alert
correlationsearches.conf:rule_title = FS-ISAC Threat Alert
savedsearches.conf:[Access - FS-ISAC Threat Alert - Rule]
@deepu123, what version of ES do you have? What do the correlationsearches.conf and savedsearches.conf files look like? There should be a stanza in both of those .conf files to reflect the correlation search...
Yes, the ES version is not compatible, we upgrade the ES version and it works.
Thank you 🙂
Yes, the ES version is not compatible, we upgrade the ES version and it works.
Thank you 🙂
Yes, the ES version is not compatible, we upgrade the ES version and it works.
Thank you 🙂
Was there an answer to why you were getting these messages that said correlation search has no corresponding saved searches stanza?
I'm seeing the same issue.
Spunk Enterprise version = 6.4.0
Enterprise Security= 4.0.1
savedsearches.conf and correlationsearches.conf look like same search name is available on both conf files.
for example, this is what I can see on both files.
[Access - Client_DEF_ACC_ShortLivedAccountDetected - Rule]
description = Detects when a account or credential is created and then removed a short time later. This may be an indication of malicious activities.
drilldown_name = View account change events of $user$
drilldown_search = | `datamodel("Change_Analysis", "Account_Management")` | search All_Changes.user="$user$" (All_Changes.action="created" OR All_Changes.action="deleted")
rule_description = Account $user$ on $dest$ created and deleted within $timestr$
rule_name = Client_DEF_ACC_ShortLivedAccountDetected
rule_title = Short-lived Account Detected ($user$)
security_domain = access
severity = high
default_owner =
default_status =
disabled = 0
search =
[Access - Client_DEF_ACC_ShortLivedAccountDetected - Rule]
action.keyindicator.invert = 0
action.risk = 1
action.risk._risk_object = system
action.risk._risk_object_type = system
action.risk._risk_score = 80
action.summary_index = 1
action.summary_index._name = notable
action.summary_index.ttl = 1p
alert.suppress = 1
alert.suppress.fields = const_dedup_id
alert.suppress.period = 14400s
alert.track = 0
counttype = number of events
cron_schedule = */15 * * * *
dispatch.earliest_time = -90m@m
dispatch.latest_time = +0m@m
enableSched = 1
quantity = 0
realtime_schedule = 0
relation = greater than
search = | datamodel Change_Analysis Account_Management search | search "All_Changes.action"="created" OR "All_Changes.action"="deleted" | rename All_Changes.* as * | streamstats values(Account_Management.src_user) AS src_user range(_time) as delta count by user,dest window=2 global=f | where count>1 AND delta
The version of ES that you're using isn't compatible with the version of Enterprise that you have installed (http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ES/4.0.1/Install/DeploymentPlanning#Splunk_Enterprise_system_re...) but that may or may not be the cause of this issue.
Are you creating the correlation search on the content management page within Enterprise Security?
There are quite a few correlation searches that come with Enterprise Security that are stored in DA-ESS-* apps (such as DA-ESS-EndpointProtection) so that is not the issue.