I'm trying to follow the "Customize the Menu Bar" steps in https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ES/5.0.0/Admin/Customizemenubar, but I seem to be missing the buttons described in the article. Specifically, I'm not seeing "Add a New View" or "Add a New Collection" menus. Am I doing something wrong here?
Running ES 4.5.1 on Splunk 6.5.2.
@tfrederick74656 the product changed in 4.6.x and later to have a different navigation editor. If you upgrade ES, you'll be able to use the navigation editor described in the documentation. In the user guide for 4.5.x docs you'll find the navigation editor docs for your version.
@tfrederick74656 the product changed in 4.6.x and later to have a different navigation editor. If you upgrade ES, you'll be able to use the navigation editor described in the documentation. In the user guide for 4.5.x docs you'll find the navigation editor docs for your version.
Thank you for the info - that was indeed the issue. I ended up finding the proper navigation documentation for 4.5.1 here in case anybody else is looking: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ES/4.5.1/User/ManageSearches#Navigation
You were faster than me, and I wrote those! Thanks for posting it for reference 🙂