So basically I'm trying to generate an event when a risk score above 100 is generated, I've come up with the below search string. Please, can you help me in identifying if anything needs to be changed?
| tstats allow_old_summaries=`allow_old_summaries_bool` sum(All_Risk.src) as src,from datamodel=Risk by All_Risk.src | where risk_score>=100 | stats values(risk_score) by src
This is what my data model currently looks like.
If you are looking for events with risk_score>100 than you don't need to add stats.
Let me know if this helps!!
If you are looking for events with risk_score>100 than you don't need to add stats.
Let me know if this helps!!
Thanks Deepashri.
Hey @emmanuelpeter,
I've converted @depashri_123's comment to an answer. If this has resolved your issue, please close the question by clicking on "Accept" button. This will help other Splunkers who might be having similar issues to know this works.