Is it possible to take a distinct count of something, then list this by an additional value by day?
something like the following but tweaked to display the count of events, by urgency on specific days;
| bucket _time span=1d
| stats dc(event_id) by urgency, _time
The goal being a table that looks like the following;
Monday Medium, 5
High, 7
Tuesday Low, 6
Medium, 10
High, 20
etc etc
| bucket _time span=1d
| chart dc(event_id) by date_wday urgency
| table date_wday, High, Medium, Low
Hi, @jacqu3sy
Please use chart
Finally, the order of the columns must be aligned.
| bucket _time span=1d
| chart dc(event_id) by date_wday urgency
| table date_wday, High, Medium, Low
Hi, @jacqu3sy
Please use chart
Finally, the order of the columns must be aligned.
great stuff. Many thanks.
Hi @jacqu3sy:
can you try this please:
| bucket _time span=1d
| stats dc(event_id) by date_wday, urgency
Kinda, but I want to list the results for each day within it's own row, if that makes sense.
So that is display better, in a table with a row for Monday, then alongside it listed the count by urgency.