Splunk Dev


Path Finder

i have one dropdown with month and year how can i separate and make 2 dropdown , one for month another one for year


my query is this

| inputlookup ... | search TITLE = "*Microsoft*" OR TITLE = "*Windows*"

| eval new_date=strftime(strptime(PUBLISHED_DATETIME,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%Y %b")
| dedup new_date
| table new_date PUBLISHED_DATETIME
| sort - new_date

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1 Solution


This doesn't sound like the full story!

However, why not create your first dropdown with this query

| inputlookup ... | search TITLE = "*Microsoft*" OR TITLE = "*Windows*"

| eval new_date=strftime(strptime(PUBLISHED_DATETIME,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%Y")
| dedup new_date
| fields new_date
| sort - new_date

and your second dropdown with this query

| inputlookup ... | search TITLE = "*Microsoft*" OR TITLE = "*Windows*"

| eval new_date=strftime(strptime(PUBLISHED_DATETIME,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%b")
| dedup new_date
| fields new_date
| sort - new_date

View solution in original post


This doesn't sound like the full story!

However, why not create your first dropdown with this query

| inputlookup ... | search TITLE = "*Microsoft*" OR TITLE = "*Windows*"

| eval new_date=strftime(strptime(PUBLISHED_DATETIME,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%Y")
| dedup new_date
| fields new_date
| sort - new_date

and your second dropdown with this query

| inputlookup ... | search TITLE = "*Microsoft*" OR TITLE = "*Windows*"

| eval new_date=strftime(strptime(PUBLISHED_DATETIME,"%Y-%m-%d"),"%b")
| dedup new_date
| fields new_date
| sort - new_date
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