Splunk Dev

Visualization for data with large difference in values.

Path Finder

I can't seem to find the right terms to search to find my answer so I'm hoping someone here can help me.

I'm looking for a clean way to do the timechart command when your field values could be 5 or 500,000. With such a large difference it makes plotting them on a map useless for the smaller numbered results. I would do this to a table, but it's nice to have the timechart command show the usage over time and make it a good visual reference.

If you have another way to do this, or another command I should use that would be great.


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1 Solution


Go ahead and use timechart. Change the visualization format for the Y axis to log.

View solution in original post


Go ahead and use timechart. Change the visualization format for the Y axis to log.

Path Finder

Thank you, this is exactly what I wanted. I knew it had to be a simple option i just couldn't find.

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Yw. @GenericSplunkUser - if your question has been answered, then please accept the answer so the question will show as solved.

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Path Finder

I thought i had done that, Thanks for the reminder.

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