I am new to Splunk and I managed to construct the below query to generate statistics(getting count of customers grouped by REQ). However I wanted to add four more columns with count values.
One for Success, one for failure, one for type of request(GET/POST etc), one for language
Success count should be counted based on HTTPRES="200 OK".
For failure count the above will anything other than 200
Request should be whether it is GET/POST etc. Obtained from Rest="GET h t t p ://.........". The characters after Rest="
Langage is the trickiest part. We need to extract 'gr/gr' from this url url starting with http/somealphabets/alphabets/gr/gr/....continues.
sample log, the url link starts with http, as I cant post any links directly now.
Aug 03 07:53:34 servername_APP_LOG [IN_PROD][12345678][APP_LOG][note] abc(NewService): Id(125678)[RESP][] Globid(45678912): REQ=ABC.ElectronicsService,Customer=JIKL,NUM=34872,HTTPRES="200 OK",Fromcache=true,Result="",Op_name=ABCElectronicsService.getallpages.v1.0,Receive=Accepted,Policy=onepermin,Value=345,time=1,spent=2,Size=2,RspSize=123,Format=json,Actual=,remaining=,Rest="GET url starting with http/salo/vbghj/gr/gr/val/prot/34567",Rwe="",Notice="",GH="version 1.1"
My cuurent query(query is fine)
| stats count as RequestCount count(Customer=*) by Customer, REQ
| table Customer, REQ, RequestCount
Customer REQ RequestCount
JIKL ABC.ElectronicsService 5
Wanted like below table. Sorry for bad formatting
Customer REQ RequestCount SuccessCount Failure Request Language
JIKL ABC.ElectronicsService 5 3 2 GET gr/gr
Getting the success count can be done using eval
within stats
. ... | stats count(eval(HTTPRES="200 OK")) as SuccessCount
. Get the failure count with a similar command. ... | stats count(eval(HTTPRES="200 OK")) as FailureCount
Pulling language out of the URL is not so bad, assuming the URL format is consistent with your example. rex
handles that. ... rex "https?:\/\/.*?\/.*?\/(?<language>\w\w\/\w\w)\/"
. The same can be said for Request.
Putting it all together looks like this:
| rex "https?:\/\/.*?\/.*?\/(?<language>\w\w\/\w\w)\/"
| rex "rest=\"(?<Request>\w+)"
| stats count as RequestCount count(Customer=*) count(eval(HTTPRES="200 OK")) as SuccessCount count(eval(HTTPRES!="200 OK")) as FailureCount values(language) as Language values(Request) as Request by Customer, REQ
| table Customer, REQ, RequestCount, SuccessCount, FailureCount, Request, Language
Getting the success count can be done using eval
within stats
. ... | stats count(eval(HTTPRES="200 OK")) as SuccessCount
. Get the failure count with a similar command. ... | stats count(eval(HTTPRES="200 OK")) as FailureCount
Pulling language out of the URL is not so bad, assuming the URL format is consistent with your example. rex
handles that. ... rex "https?:\/\/.*?\/.*?\/(?<language>\w\w\/\w\w)\/"
. The same can be said for Request.
Putting it all together looks like this:
| rex "https?:\/\/.*?\/.*?\/(?<language>\w\w\/\w\w)\/"
| rex "rest=\"(?<Request>\w+)"
| stats count as RequestCount count(Customer=*) count(eval(HTTPRES="200 OK")) as SuccessCount count(eval(HTTPRES!="200 OK")) as FailureCount values(language) as Language values(Request) as Request by Customer, REQ
| table Customer, REQ, RequestCount, SuccessCount, FailureCount, Request, Language
Thanks.. I will try this. However the FailureCount is same as Successcount?
FailureCount is different. I've updated my answer.
Thanks.. It shows how to use Regex and to group fields. Can you please let me know how to modify this so that i can group by Language as well. I get an error "The output field cannot have the same name Language as the group by field"