Splunk Cloud Platform

splunk add on for salesforce

New Member

splunk.jpgHi Team,


We have using Splunk add on for salesforce plugin to inject salesforce logs into splunk .

its been 3 months we were able to add inputs and able to see the logs. but recently when we trying to open the  splunk add for salesforce ,we were seeing below screen . if any one face isssue .please let us knwo the

root cause and its solution

attached is the screen shot

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Hi @biwfsplunk 

It's Access issue check the add-on permissions.

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Hi @biwfsplunk,

There might be any reason but with the screenshot, we cannot find the root cause.
This page shows that the app is not found in your instance, this may be either you might not have access to the app. Check your access and internal logs for more information.

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