In PAN tarffic, where we are trying to exclude events with "block-untst-rule" string. PAN traffic logs are configured to receive in syslog server. I tried to use filter in syslog-ng config as shown below.
filter exclogs { not match("block\\-untst\\-rule"); };
log {source(s_syslog_pa_cloud); filter {exclogs}; destination(d_syslog_pa_cloud); };
Other way we tried is by using props.conf and transforms.conf
TRANSFORMS-set = setnull
REGEX = block\\-untst\\-rule
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
Both ways we are not able to exclude the events from ingesting. Please do assist.
The escape characters in the regular expressions are not necessary. Using double escape characters tells Splunk to expect a backslash in the data, which probably is not the case.
REGEX = block-untst-rule
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue