Hello All,
I am trying to download the "User Behavior Analytics" documentation in PDF clicking on "Download manual as PDF" but some pages are cut respect to what can be found on the website, see for example this link:
at page 9 and 10 the table is cut missing some information.
For instance the same happens at page 4 and 5 clicking on "Download topic as a PDF".
I tried with different browsers and OS but the issue is still present, is there any way to fix it?
I know you can consult the documentation directly with a Browser but it would be great to have it also in PDF format.
Another question, do you think it could be feasible to provide it in Kindle or E-Reader format, so that it can be read off-line with an E-ink device?
Thanks a lot,
Update: You can expect a fix to the PDF on this page within the week. We are continuing to make efforts to improve our PDF documentation, and please do shout out at us when you find other issues.
Hello! Thanks for your feedback. We are investigating this issue and hope to have a solution soon. The section will likely require some re-formatting as it appears these tables with many columns and long names are not handled nicely when converted to PDF. We definitely do care, and appreciate you taking the time to let us know about this issue!
Pages being cut off is a known problem with the PDF version of some docs. Submit feedback on the doc page so Splunk knows someone cares. 🙂
Submit feedback on a page to ask Splunk to consider making e-reader versions available.
Hello @edoardo_vicendone
Click on the link below : Install and Upgrade Splunk User Behavior Analytics.