One of my saved searched exited without proper information and getting this error message in the splunkd.log.
03-20-2017 10:22:32.054 -0500 ERROR script - sid:rt_scheduler__nobody_TW9uc2FudG8tTW9uaXRvcmluZy1TZWxmU2VydmljZQ__RMD539622b545a012fbd_at_1489931706_5897.76 command="runshellscript", Script: /opt/splunk/etc/apps/appname/bin/scripts/ exited with status code: 1
Can anyone have any idea please help me out.
Seems like your saved search ran fine but the alert action script failed. I would check python.log file for more details on the error.
Hello, skuma30
Could you solve this problem? If you solved, can you share your solution, because I have the same problem.
below is the script that I ran in the .py file.
import gzip
import csv
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import splunklib.client as client
import collections
import json
import ConfigParser
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
parser = SafeConfigParser()'/opt/splunk/etc/filename.ini')
HOST = parser.get('environment','HOST')
PORT = parser.get('environment','PORT')
USERNAME = parser.get('environment','USERNAME')
PASSWORD = parser.get('environment','PASSWORD')
def post(event):
print "connecting\n"
service = client.connect(
index = service.indexes['xyz']
index.submit(event, sourcetype='ABC')
with open('/tmp/customappname.log', 'a') as f:
print>>f, sys.argv
print sys.argv
event = {}
f = gzip.GzipFile(sys.argv[8])
r = csv.DictReader(f)
for i in r:
for key in i:
if key == "key":
x = str(i[key])
x = x.replace(" ", "")
event[key] = x
elif key == "msg":
event[key] = i[key]
elif key == "severity":
event[key] = i[key]
elif key == 'status_defg':
st = 'status'
event[st] = i[key]
elif key == "_time":
event[key] = i[key]
elif key == "support_team":
event[key] = i[key]
elif key == "auto_close":
event[key] = i[key]
ju_event = json.dumps(event)
this is the custom script I ran but it is throwing the error please let me know what you can help me
Often that RC 1 is an error in the python script. I've seen at least 3 instances here. The following link is one of them, and gives some suggestions for debugging.
Also, the "rt_scheduler__nobody" jumps out at me. Make sure that your script execution is properly owned, and that the owner has all the authority it needs.
Thank you for the reply but here I'm searching for the command="runshellscript" but I cannot find in the .py file.