
Why are expired, old, deleted jobs still showing in the UI?

Path Finder

I am running into an issue where some old jobs that are expired are still showing up in the job activity. They still show as running. But, if you try to stop or delete them again, you get an error that says the job does not exist.

If they had completed normally, they would have been removed already as they roll off after about a month. But some of the broken jobs are about 2 months old.

Thanks for any help.

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1 Solution

Path Finder
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btw, The Error is listed in Softwares known issues as

2014-10-02SPL-91638, SPL-107375For scheduled searches in a search head cluster, empty search jobs may appear in the job inspector for a cluster member.
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Path Finder
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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

hi @dtow1,

I'm glad you figured out the solution to your problem. Would you approve your solution so others can learn from your experience?

Thanks for posting!

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