
Saved Search Deletion

Path Finder

I have several saved searches that are scheduled at staggered times in the afternoon. After several kick off, I reach my disk quota limit and the other searches try to kick off and hang. When I come in in the morning I still have several searches at 100% but failing to finalize and send the respective csvs via email. Outside of bumping my disk quota limits, is there a setting for saved searches that is some big secret where after the email is sent, splunk will delete it immediately? I've tried setting alerts and the what not to 1 sec, but no dice.



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Path Finder

Answering my own question...
I am going to try the dispatch method here, but what a pain we can't do this through the interface


dispatch search options


dispatch.ttl = [p]
* Indicates the time to live (in seconds) for the artifacts of the scheduled search, if no
actions are triggered.
* If an action is triggered Splunk changes the ttl to that action's ttl. If multiple actions are
triggered, Splunk applies the maximum ttl to the artifacts. To set the action's ttl, refer
to alert_actions.conf.spec.
* If the integer is followed by the letter 'p' Splunk interprets the ttl as a multiple of the
scheduled search's execution period (e.g. if the search is scheduled to run hourly and ttl is set to 2p
the ttl of the artifacts will be set to 2 hours).
* Defaults to 2p (that is, 2 x the period of the scheduled search).

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

in fact, if you set up email alerts, the ttl is set to 1 day.

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