Our splunk is receiving events from network devices, which contains hostname, eventuei="error reason", eventtime.
1. I need to create a report which display the hostname, corresponding error reason , eventtime and no. of alerts generated
2. I need to create a dashboard with device name in the x-axis no. of alerts in the y-axis
3. A complete dashboard which shows total no. of hosts in my company, no. of hosts working fine, no. of hosts are down based on error reason
index=opennms sourcetype=event | stats values(eval(strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))) as time_new list(nodeid) as hostname count by eventuei
Note: The assumption here is that you have the hostnames in the field "nodeid"index=opennms sourcetype=event | stats values(nodeid) as hostname count by eventuei | fields - eventuei
after running this search go to the visualization tab and select chart type as "clolumn chart" and then save it as a dashboardindex=opennms sourcetype=event | timechart span=1h distinct_count(nodeid) as hostcount
- for "total no. of hosts in my company" save it as a dashboard paneli will look into it again when i have some more time, meanwhile can you check if the above searches work/meet your requirements.
Can you please share sample events?
2018-10-06 08:33:04.248, eventid="160109240", eventuei="uei.opennms.org/XOM/threshold/wan_routers/int-rx-util-rearm", nodeid="15925", eventtime="2018-10-06 08:33:04.248", ipaddr="x.x.x.x", eventlogmsg="Interface Gi2/0/2 on GQEGJ-WANRTC002 RX (58.21%) exceeded threshold has cleared", eventseverity="3", alarmid="24607406", nodelabel="GQEGJ-WANRTC002"
This is the log that we are getting from our tools
Search : index=opennms sourcetype=event
Can you please describe below fields? I need hostname , device name and correlation idea as per your requirement.