Is there a way to detect subsearch limits being exceeded in scheduled searches
I notice that you can get this info from REST:
| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/$user$/$app$/search/jobs/$search_id$
| where isnotnull('messages.error')
| fields id savedsearch_name, app, user, executed_at, search, messages.*
And you can kinda join this to the _audit query:
index=_audit action=search (has_error_warn=true OR fully_completed_search=false OR info="bad_request")
| eval savedsearch_name = if(savedsearch_name="", "Ad-hoc", savedsearch_name)
| eval search_id = trim(search_id, "'")
| eval search = mvindex(search, 0)
| map search="| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/$user$/$app$/search/jobs/$search_id$
| where isnotnull('messages.error')
| fields id savedsearch_name, app, user, executed_at, search, messages.*"
But it doesn't really work - I get lots of rest failures reported and the output is bad. You also need to run it when the search artifacts are present. Although my plan was to run this frequently and push the result to a summary index.
Has anyone had better success with this? One thought would be to ingest the data that is returned by the rest call (I presume var/run/dispatch). Or might debug level logging help?
Give this a try
index=_internal source=*var/log/splunk/search_messages.log
Thanks for pointing me to this excellent log source!
I created a search which is intended to exceed the subsearch maxout limit:
index=main [search index=main earliest=-1w | fields host | head 11000 | format]
(I checked the subsearch is over 11000 records)
This doesn't trigger an error or warning in _audit, _internal or from the GUI
From the limits.conf documentation I see this setting:
maxout = <integer> * Maximum number of results to return from a subsearch. * This value cannot be greater than or equal to 10500. * Default: 10000
So would expect my search to exceed the limit.
I'm now confused as to whether I'm misinterpreted something.
Additional info: you can see the limit being hit from the job inspector: