Could anyone tell me how to monitor SHs using website monitoring app that installed in HF.
I am getting below error
uiHelper submitValueEdit operator failed for endpoint_base=data/inputs/web_ping
Please let me know if any proxy details or other details are to be added (we are able to ping SH urls from HF manually).
I am trying to configure SHs url to check the response time and code so that will create alerts and dashboards on top to see if there's any latency/ crossing the threshold limit when SHs url response time.
we just want to check SHs like regular website, how it respond..
Yes, the SHs response time will vary but want to check on a trend how it is available to users..
We just want to check the availability of SHs and its response time trend.
I believe you can get response times from the logs. Try this:
index=_internal source="*splunkd_ui_access.log" host="sh*" | rex "(?<responseTime>\d+)ms" | stats avg(responseTime) by host
Availability can be seen using this query.
| tstats prestats=t count where index=_internal host="sh*" by _time,host | timechart span=1h count by host
This helps and can be able to see response time.
Thanks for the query.
But this help only the configured SH details that can be searched from any SH.
And so we would like to know any SH that can be configured through website monitor to check response time.
Ex: https://shdetails:8000 want to configure in website monitor to check the response of this website url.