Trying to throw away events not wanted from a server - not working.
TRANSFORMS-null = setnull
REGEX = (?m)^EventCode=(4658|4662|4689|4768|4769|4770|4771|4776|4931|4932|4933|4985|5136|5156)\D
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
also tried:
REGEX = (?m)^EventCode=(4658|4662|4689|4768|4769|4770|4771|4776|4931|4932|4933|4985|5136|5156)\b
Any ideas?
Maybe this will be better than a support ticket - that takes forever to get an answer.
Where are those props/transforms applied ?
They have to be where the events are parsed : on the indexer or on heavy forwarders, not on the Universal or Light Forwarders.
Sorry this is the config of a full splunk install set to forward. Not a light forwarder.
for some reason the (Backslash)\ was omitted when I pasted:
REGEX = (?m)^EventCode=(4658|4662|4689|4768|4769|4770|4771|4776|4931|4932|4933|4985|5136|5156)(backslash)\D
REGEX = (?m)^EventCode=(4658|4662|4689|4768|4769|4770|4771|4776|4931|4932|4933|4985|5136|5156)(backslash)\b
did you try this without the (backslash)D ?