You can use the rest API to get this information. Try this:
| rest /services/server/info | eval LastStartupTime=strftime(startup_time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval timenow=now()
| eval daysup = round((timenow - startup_time) / 86400,0)
| eval Uptime = tostring(daysup) + " Days"
| table splunk_server LastStartupTime Uptime
This is a refinement of the answers by @lguinn2 and @tiny3001 (NOTE: you will have to edit the host=
index=_internal "splunkd started" AND NOT sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches AND host=*-spl-*
| dedup host
| eval uptime = tostring(now() - _time,"duration")
| table host uptime
Try this one:
index=_internal "Splunkd starting" sourcetype=splunkd component=loader AND host=*
| append
[| search index=_internal "splunkd started" sourcetype=splunkd_stderr AND host=*
| eval st_{sourcetype}=1
| stats count sum(st_*) AS * earliest(_time) AS firstTime latest(_time) AS lastTime BY host
| eval uptime = tostring(now() - lastTime,"duration")
| foreach *Time
[| eval <<FIELD>>=strftime(<<FIELD>>,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| table host count firstTime lastTime uptime *
For this to work, you need to set time long enough to catch the restart. With a big solution with many server and lots of logs, this will be slow to find.
You can use the rest API to get this information. Try this:
| rest /services/server/info | eval LastStartupTime=strftime(startup_time, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval timenow=now()
| eval daysup = round((timenow - startup_time) / 86400,0)
| eval Uptime = tostring(daysup) + " Days"
| table splunk_server LastStartupTime Uptime
Just happened to be looking for this very thing today and stumbled across submission. I wouldn't have thought to query the REST API for this without checking here first, but it seemed a little obvious after reading the accepted solution -- that's what I love about strong user communities.
For what it's worth, here's my own slightly more direct SPL that produces roughly the same results as the accepted answer in case it helps anyone else.
| rest splunk_server=local /services/server/info
| eval uptime=tostring(now() - startup_time, "duration")
| convert ctime(startup_time)
| table splunk_server, startup_time, uptime
I should have included that the SPL I provided is only searching the REST API of the search head executing the search (splunk_server=localhost) which can easily be removed if desired
This is the answer that should be accepted, IMO, @wrangler2x. The others, especially the one from @tiny3301, work, but only if Splunk was restarted recently. Once the logs have rolled enough times, the "splunkd started" message won't be found.
| rest / services/server/info
This only shows indexers. What's the REST endpoint for startup time of all Universal Forwarders?
I know I'm ressurecting an old question, but the search is useful.
Except for one thing...
If you don't exclude a specific sourcetype, you get results for your searches looking for "splunkd started". Which might confuse things.
index=_internal "splunkd started" NOT sourcetype=splunkd_remote_searches
Hope that helps someone.
Searching in sourcetype=splunkd index=_internal
you will find a message like this;
10-08-2013 08:55:27.844 +0200 INFO loader - Splunkd starting (build 143156).
NB, this is for version 5.x, don't know if it differs in 6.x
6.0: 10-07-2013 08:33:05.380 -0700 INFO loader - Splunkd starting (build 182037).
Try this search:
index=_internal "splunkd started"
to find out when was the last time that splunkd was started. Note that you may have to also add host=zzzz
if you want to restrict to a particular host.
If you really want only the uptime, try this:
index=_internal "splunkd started"
| head 1
| eval uptime = tostring(now() - _time,"duration")
| fields uptime
I downvoted this post because did not work
This only works when your logs stretch far enough back to catch the startup.
If your forwarders stay online long enough, the logs roll and you lose the data, which is why the REST approach is supposedly better, however I'm having trouble making that work in our Hybrid environment, personally.
It also did not work because it had | field
instead of | fields
but I just fixed that.