Knowledge Management

using wild card in a lookup column?


I have a lookup sample.csv as follows whereas one of the host value is empty 


Name Host
TEST_USERabc, def


Now I use the lookup in a search. Now for the USER_1 Host I want to use the wild card. Using astrick symbol directly in the lookup doesn't working. Is there any way I can add a wild card for USER_1. 

A little research on the Splunk docs gives me some inputs like I need to use props and transforms to do so. I don't have a props or transforms exists for that application. Can I create a condition in props, transforms just for the above purpose. If so what should be the stanzas should be in both the configuration files. 


Any Help would be great. 


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Revered Legend

If you're trying to do wildcard match when you do a lookup (running "| lookup" command), then you can follow this to setup wildcard match:


If not, then you should add more details like how you're using the lookup, what output you get now and what is want to see as the output.

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can you share your search query ? But you should be able to search the host like following - 

| inputlookup answers-571895.csv
| where Host="*"


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