Knowledge Management

Priority and editing of local.meta/default.meta


Hello everyone

Two parter. First of all, am I correct in assuming that


takes precedence over


The reason for this question is that while applying changes in a SH cluster from a deployer, changes made to default.meta in an app has no effect and changes in local.meta are retained.

Second, what is the best praxis for editing the local.meta file? I think I, at least, need to completely remove the read/write permissions so it falls back on the default.meta file

access = read : [  ], write : [  ]
export = none
version = x.x.x.x
modtime = tttttttttt.tttttttt

Otherwise any future edits made and rolled out will not take effect as there is a local.meta file. Though I was hoping that I could just delete the entire local.meta file?

To be clear, the actual question, can I

    a) delete the entire local.meta file or do I have to

    b) edit out the desired section in the local.meta file?

I know I can edit access to alerts/dashboards etc via the GUI though I'd like to edit for everything in the app in one single move from the CLI.

All the best

// f

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1 Solution


You are correct; local.meta trumps default.meta for a given app.  To get the default.meta to take effect again, the local.meta stanza or file must be removed.

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View solution in original post


You are correct; local.meta trumps default.meta for a given app.  To get the default.meta to take effect again, the local.meta stanza or file must be removed.

If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.


And just to make sure, there is no problem just removing the file?

I assume that you first check for any local changes you want to remain, but otherwise you can just delete the file and move on?

0 Karma


No problem just removing .meta files.


If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.


Schweet, thanx!

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