We have the following query:
index =_internal source =*license_usage.log type ="Usage" | eval Team =case(h like "%-ec2%" OR h like "%-usnw%" OR h like "%-usw%" OR h like "IP-%" OR h like "%-EU%" OR h like "%-SYD%" OR h like "%-BR%" OR h like "%-AP%" OR h like "%-JP%" OR h like "%-load%" OR h like "ens-%", "AWS", h like "%-IAD" OR h like "%-FRA" OR h like "%-LAS" OR h like "%-AMS" OR h like "%-STAGE", "COLO" , h like "STORAGE-BIGDATA-%" OR h like "SF-AZUZE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-USE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-USNC-%" OR h like "STORAGE-APE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-EUN-%", "AZURE") | eval GB=(b/(1024*1024*1024)) | stats sum(GB) by Team | rename sum(GB) as License_Usage_GB | sort -License_Usage_GB
which gives us the license usage of hosts in a particular team,
we want to get the license usage of other hosts which do not match the given patterns above.
Thanks in advance.........
On the eval case statement, we can add a default match for all others as 1=1, "other_teams"
index =internal source =*license_usage.log type ="Usage" | eval Team =case(h like "%-ec2%" OR h like "%-usnw%" OR h like "%-usw%" OR h like "IP-%" OR h like "%-EU%" OR h like "%-SYD%" OR h like "%-BR%" OR h like "%-AP%" OR h like "%-JP%" OR h like "%-load%" OR h like "ens-%", "AWS", h like "%-IAD" OR h like "%-FRA" OR h like "%-LAS" OR h like "%-AMS" OR h like "%-STAGE", "COLO" , h like "STORAGE-BIGDATA-%" OR h like "SF-AZUZE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-USE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-USNC-%" OR h like "STORAGE-APE-%" OR h like "STORAGE-EUN-%", "AZURE",1=1, "othe teams") | eval GB=(b/(1024*1024*1024)) | stats sum(GB) by Team | rename sum(GB) as License_Usage_GB | sort -License_Usage_GB
I think that a 1=1, "Other" would work for you.
"STORAGE-EUN-%", "AZURE", h 1=1, "Other") | eval GB=
Or maybe
|search NOT Team=*