
How Do I Know When the Initialization Is Complete?

New Member

I am having difficulty getting the program started; I installed it successfully but then it tells me it needs to "perform a brief initialization" anytime I open the program. I click the OK button, but then nothing tells me about the status of this initialization or when it may be finished. Then when I click on the icon in my dock (I use a Mac), nothing happens. Am I perhaps confused on how to begin using the program or is this some type of malfunction?

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I had the same problem with Splunk Enterprise 7.2.3 Build:06d57c595b80 (you can find this by going to Help > About on the menu at the top of your browser window when you've successfully got Splunk running on your host).

  • I needed to kill the splunk app that was running in the dock using Activity
    Monitor, then run it again.

  • It then got stuck on another screen and I had to repeat that process

  • each time I managed to get one step / one dialog farther, until finally a browser window open to the the http://localhost:8000/ and the login fields appeared which I used to enter the username/password combo I choose/entered during the installation.

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Thanks for clarifying. I'm not a Mac user, but the initialization dialog box should be followed by another one that gives you some options. Since that doesn't happen, I suggest you try running Splunk from the command line. See

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What program are you trying to start? How exactly are you trying to start it (what command are you running)?

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New Member

Hi Rich,

Thank you very much for the response. The program is Splunk Enterprise 6.5.1. To start it, I simply click the desktop icon, at which time I see a window stating, "Welcome! Before we start, Splunk needs to perform a brief initialization. This will be done automatically." The only option is to click "Okay," which I do, but then it never updates me on the progress of the initialization, nor has it ever alerted me that the initialization was completed. If I click the desktop icon again before turning off my computer, nothing happens. I am happy to do whatever I need to move forward, but I am a bit lost as to the next step to take.

Thanks again,

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