I have a problem with Deployment Server. I would like to setup e-mail settings for all my Splunk servers using Deployment application. I have created Deployment server, I have created classess and applicatoins I want to deploy.
Application is downloading to right servers. Application is very simple. I had created file "/opt/splunk/etc/deployment-apps/setSplunkCommonConfig/default/xxx_alert.actions.conf" with following content:
allowedDomainList = domain.com
pdf.header_left = none
pdf.header_right = none
This application is downloaded to client and it is stored under "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/setSplunkCommonConfig" directory and file "xxx_alert.actions.conf" is there.
So distribution of aplication looks working fine. But there I have problem that settings from file "xxx_alert.actions.conf" are not applied on client.
What am I doing wrong?
Deploy server can copy files to which directories "/opt/splunk/etc/system/local" or "/opt/splunk/etc/system/default" or both?
Than you for any hint.
Is the client set to restart itself when it downloads the app?
I wanted to change "Allowed Domains" field under Server Settings -> Email settings.
When I do it using website I get following log in audit.log:
When new application is installed I can see following log line saying that value is changing:
But difference is, that if value is changed using deployment application, I don't see accurate change on website - Allowed Domains is empty.
How would you do this?
Restart didn't help.
Login to any of those servers and use
splunk btool alert_actions list --debug
In this way you see from which file each setting is coming.
I’m not sure, but there could be some settings in this config which are working only from …/system/local or at least that was case on older versions (6.x and 7.x)?
r. Ismo
Thank you for your answer. I tried your command and I have got:
root@MSVMSLMCLM01:/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk btool alert_actions list --debug | grep allowed
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/setSplunkCommonConfig/default/alert_actions.conf allowedDomainList = domain.sk
root@MSVMSLMCLM01:/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk btool alert_actions list --debug | grep from
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/setSplunkCommonConfig/default/alert_actions.conf from = splunk@domain.sk
So this looks like settings are used from correct file, file from pushed application. But when I check web on this machine, those values are empty:
Any idea?
You are absolutely right. Splunk ran under root account. I have changed it already, but it didn't help.
Normal universal forwarders works great, only Splunk servers don't change configuration. But I will handle it using ../local/ files as you suggested.
Thank you,
Nope. Is it neccesary to restart splunkd?