Hello all,
I am using the Splunk plugin for Jenkins for pulling data from Jenkins and all the configurations are as per the documentation.
//send job metadata and junit reports with page size set to 50 (each event contains max 50 test cases) splunkins.sendTestReport(50) //send coverage, each event contains max 50 class metrics splunkins.sendCoverageReport(50) //send all logs from workspace to splunk, with each file size limits to 10MB splunkins.archive("**/*.log", null, false, "10MB")
We are receiving logs in jenkins_console and jenkins_statistics but not receiving any data in jenkins_artifact.
Do we need any additional configurations for collecting jenkins_artifact logs?
Looking forward to any thoughts and suggestions. Thanks in advance.
@Anonymous i am facing the similar issue. did you manage to get the issue? if yes, could help providing your inputs.
if not, can someone help or. have similar issue and manage to resolve it ?.