In order to search for the error records, I use :
ns=app1 Service='trigger1' Id!='temp-100' | Search ErrorResponse
Here I get an event like:
timestamp ns=app1 [ErrorResponse] Service='trigger1' id=105 ActNo=1234
Now I have to fetch this ActNo field and search with only ActNo=1234. It will list many events and in those I have to look for a field appId = 'New1'. If New1, I have to add it to a counter1 else counter2.
Thank you!
You could try something like this
index=whatever [ search ns=app1 Service=trigger1 Id!="temp-100" ErrorResponse | fields ActNo ]
| eval counter1 = if(appId=="New1",1,0)
| eval counter2 = if(appId=="New1",0,1)
| stats sum(counter1) as counter1 sum(counter2) as counter2 by ActNo
A few tips:
A search like this ns=app1 Service=trigger1 Id!="temp-100" | Search ErrorResponse
should always be rewritten as
ns=app1 Service=trigger1 Id!="temp-100" ErrorResponse
. Combine as much as possible into a single search.
Splunk uses double-quotes for strings, but even that is not required in the search command if the string has no spaces or special characters.
The search within brackets is called a subsearch. The list of ActNo's from the subsearch will be inserted into the outer search.
Here is more information about subsearches.
AppId in the events is displayed with single quotes as appId='New1'
appId in the event is displayed as appId=='New1'
Sorry it is displayed in event with single quotes as appId='New1'
oh, nice answer by @Daleanis as well. I could re-write my search as:
index=whatever [ search ns=app1 Service=trigger1 Id!="temp-100" ErrorResponse | fields ActNo ]
| stats sum(eval(appId=="New1")) as counter1 sum(eval(appId!="New1")) as counter2 by ActNo
index=l2_idx ns=app1 Service='trigger1' Id!='temp-100 ErrorResponse | fields ActNo | stats sum(eval(appId=="New1")) as counter1 sum(eval(appId!=="New1")) as counter2 by ActNo
Getting error as:
Error in 'stats' command: The eval expression for dynamic field 'eval(appId!=="New1")' is invalid. Error='The expression is malformed. An unexpected character is reached at '="New1"'.
appId in the event is displayed as appId=='New1'
If I've read you right, it would be something like this...
timestamp ns=app1 [ErrorResponse] Service='trigger1' id=105
[ns=app1 Service='trigger1' Id!='temp-100' | Search ErrorResponse | table ActNo]
| stats count(eval(appId="New1")) as counter count as bothcounters by ActNo
| eval counter2 = bothcounters-counter1
This part ...
[ns=app1 Service='trigger1' Id!='temp-100' | Search ErrorResponse | table ActNo]
...returns a list of ActNo values in this format...
( ( ActNo="firstvalue" ) OR ( ActNo="secondvalue" ) OR ... OR ( ActNo="lastvalue" ) )
then this part
timestamp ns=app1 [ErrorResponse] Service='trigger1' id=105 ( ( Actno=... )
... brings back the records, and this part counts them up ...
| stats count(eval(appId="New1")) as counter count as bothcounters by ActNo
| eval counter2 = bothcounters-counter1
Can I have eval and stats count after ActNo as
timestamp ns=app1 [ErrorResponse] Service='trigger1' id=105 [ns=app1 Service='trigger1' Id!='temp-100' | Search ErrorResponse | table ActNo | eval | stats count as "Count1"]
Also I want to check if there are records with that ActNo in the outer search or not. If not, I want to write that ActNo.
Thank you!
I get the account no and two counters as counter and bothcounters. But for every account no, it is only bothcounters having value as 1 while counter is always 0 which is not the case with respect to events as they got the some of the AcctNo has the appId as New1 and other's don't.