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Timezone conversion issue on HF


We have a HF in UTC timezone that is received log events from an Universal Forwarder running on EDT timezone.
The log events are in UTC timezone.
The HF is configured in non-indexer mode (Indexandforward = false in props.conf ) and
the HF is forwarding the events into an external application attaching a header (Time, hostname)

The issues is:
The time that HF is attaching is in EDT timezone. we want this to be in UTC timezone.

Anyone faced this kind of issue? please suggest solutions.

Below are config details:
TRANSFORMS-route_log = route_log_external

FORMAT = external_out

defaultGroup = none
maxEventSize = 50000

server =
type = tcp
timestampformat = %b %e %H:%M:%S

0 Karma
1 Solution


Have you set the timezone on the first HF to EDT for this input stanza?

props.conf :

TZ = <timezone identifier>

If the timezone is in the log events, Splunk will use this timezone (from props.conf Splunk docs).

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

You are saying -
-- The log events are in UTC timezone.

So, the time in the log events is not in the format of -0500, GMT, right? otherwise you would have received the events in the UTC timezone.

You should probably "force" the timezone at the forwarder level.

0 Karma


Yes, we do not get log events in the format -0500, GMT
could you please explain how to "force" the timezone at UF level? and how would that affect when event is forwarded again from HF?

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

If the log event can have an explicit time zone then it's obviously the best choice.
If not, then apparently props.conf on the indexer is the proper place to "force" it.

0 Karma


Have you set the timezone on the first HF to EDT for this input stanza?

props.conf :

TZ = <timezone identifier>

If the timezone is in the log events, Splunk will use this timezone (from props.conf Splunk docs).

0 Karma


We don't have any TZ specified in props.conf on the UF at the source.
I have updated the description above with additional info.

0 Karma


Please try to set one in props.conf as I described above using your timezone identifier for EDT.

0 Karma
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