I'm having an issue with a dashboard which is reporting UPC counts by day.
If I use the following query, it gives the UPC counts, but not the date
<query>index=web clientApp=MOBILE enterpriseId=prod locationID=Lima country=US command=item tagName=REMOTE_REQUEST | top 0 showperc=f message.request.payload.upc | rename message.request.payload.upc as "UPC", count as "Count"</query>
If I add the timestamp into it like the following query, then it gives the count for every UPC as 1 because they have a unique timestamp.
<query>index=web clientApp=MOBILE enterpriseId=prod locationID=Lima country=US command=item tagName=REMOTE_REQUEST | top 0 showperc=f message.request.payload.upc message.request.payload.Time | rename message.request.payload.upc as "UPC", count as "Count"</query>
I have tried every way i can find with eval and strptime and strftime to get it to give me just the year, month, day format, but I can't get it to show that.
Admittedly I'm a noob, but I have searched for a couple days trying to find an answer and can't.
Try this:
index=web clientApp=MOBILE enterpriseId=prod locationID=Lima country=US command=item tagName=REMOTE_REQUEST
| bin _time span=1d
| top 0 showperc=f message.request.payload.upc BY _time
| rename message.request.payload.upc AS UPC count AS Count
Or this:
index=web clientApp=MOBILE enterpriseId=prod locationID=Lima country=US command=item tagName=REMOTE_REQUEST
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count AS Count BY message.request.payload.upc _time
| rename message.request.payload.upc AS UPC
| sort 0 - Count
Try this:
index=web clientApp=MOBILE enterpriseId=prod locationID=Lima country=US command=item tagName=REMOTE_REQUEST
| bin _time span=1d
| top 0 showperc=f message.request.payload.upc BY _time
| rename message.request.payload.upc AS UPC count AS Count
Or this:
index=web clientApp=MOBILE enterpriseId=prod locationID=Lima country=US command=item tagName=REMOTE_REQUEST
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count AS Count BY message.request.payload.upc _time
| rename message.request.payload.upc AS UPC
| sort 0 - Count
They both worked - thank you very much for the assistance 🙂