How to add a tag(region) to a collectd based metric from a host? For example if we have 2 regions (us-east,us-west), how to add this data from collectd to the Splunk metrics index?
Using the below code, write_http will add custom tag "meta":{"foo":"bar"}" to all json data. Now the challenge is recognizing this as dimension in splunk.
PostCacheChain "PostCache"
<Target "set">
MetaData "foo" "bar"
Target "write"
Thanks, I'll have a crack and get back to you.
Any luck with this? Is there a way to add Tags via collectd and get splunk to understand them as dimensions?
I was able to add a custom meta tag using PostCacheChain from collectd. But still not able to read it via splunk.
I would be happy to test this for you, could you please provide an example from collectd.conf ?
FYI: I am the author of Analytics for Linux which uses metrics from collectd:
You should be able to add a region field as you push the measurements to splunk.
From: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.0.0/Metrics/GetMetricsInCollectd
curl -k https://localhost:8088/services/collector/raw?sourcetype=collectd_http \
-H "Authorization: Splunk <HEC_token>" \
-d '[{"values":[164.9196798931339196],"dstypes":["derive"],"dsnames":["value"],"time":1505356687.894,"interval":10.000,"host":"collectd","plugin":"protocols","plugin_instance":"IpExt","type":"protocol_counter","type_instance":"InOctets"}]'
So each message is like:
"values": [164.9196798931339196],
"dstypes": ["derive"],
"dsnames": ["value"],
"time": 1505356687.894,
"interval": 10.000,
"host": "collectd",
"plugin": "protocols",
"plugin_instance": "IpExt",
"type": "protocol_counter",
"type_instance": "InOctets"
You should be able to add:
"region": "us-east"
that will work for custom metrics, but not for native collectd metrics as the Collectd API does not have a concept of tags. It looks like the Collectd community is working towards a solution – but it still looks like a bandaid attempting to work around the fact that Collectd’s core has no concept of tags: