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I've been studying and creating several pieces of code to take advantage of the wonders of the HTTP Event Collector and noticed noone published a PowerShell sample, then since I created one I decided to share it with you all:
$response = ""
$formatteddate = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:sstt zzz}" -f (Get-Date)
$arraySeverity = 'INFO','WARN','ERROR'
$severity = $arraySeverity[(Get-Random -Maximum ([array]$arraySeverity).count)]
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Authorization", 'Splunk 653C164D-0AFB-4DFC-ADE0-D9084B03490F')
$body = '{
"host":"' + $env:computername + '",
"source":"Geoff''s PowerShell Script",
"message":"Something Happened on host ' + $env:computername + '",
"severity":"' + $severity + '",
"user": "'+ $env:username + '",
"date":"' + $formatteddate + '"
$splunkserver = "http://yoursplunkserver.com:8088/services/collector/event"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $splunkserver -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $body
"Code:'" + $response.code + "' text:'"+ $response.text + "'"
The key to the communication is the "Invoke-RestMethod" command, which is capable of performing the http call necessary to communicate with Splunk. Authentication headers for this method must be passed as a dictionary object so I created a collection of one to define the Authorization token. Everything else is pretty much straightforward, just the same as using curl.
Since PowerShell is JSON-friendly, you can capture the JSON response directly and use as variables like I did on the last line and perform some error treatment if necessary. If everything is right, this script should return something like "Code:'0' text:'Success'"
Thanks to Glenn Block for posting useful articles on the HTTP Event Collector and providing invaluable help on this and C# SDK.
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Nice one. I have some comments to simplify the example:
- Try Get-Date's -format parameter, it's easier than doing using a string formatter as you did in line 2. It takes the same .NET datetime format strings.
Speaking of format strings, try this one: "o". Yup, one character, and the output is very easy for Splunk to parse.
PS C:\Users\hal> Get-Date -format o
2016-02-25T10:52:20.8004451-08:00Line 4: nothing wrong with it, but casting to [array] isn't necessary, nor are those parens. This would work fine:
... -Max $arraySeverity.Count
My favorite tip here, you don't need to make .NET dictionaries! A regular PowerShell hashtable will be coerced correctly. Example:
$header = @{Authorization = "Splunk $token"}
Last but not least, hashtables are also great for making your JSON input, along with the ConvertTo-Json cmdlet. This eliminates the need for some of the syntax bits you used. (Although if you do this as a one-liner, you will need to terminate each assignment with a semi-colon. I left them out here because CRLF does the trick.)
$event = @{
host = $env:COMPUTERNAME
sourcetype = "testevents"
event = @{
message = "something happened"
severity = $severity
} | ConvertTo-Json
"host": "DESKTOP-S7US6VG",
"event": {
"message": "something happened",
"severity": null
"sourcetype": "testevents"
Other notes:
- PowerShell (technically, the underlying .NET methods) hates self-signed certificates. Best to test with SSL off on your Splunk event collector settings, and if using SSL in production, use a real certificate. For much more detail and workarounds, see @jaykul post/code about it: https://github.com/Jaykul/Tunable-SSL-Validator
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Nice one. I have some comments to simplify the example:
- Try Get-Date's -format parameter, it's easier than doing using a string formatter as you did in line 2. It takes the same .NET datetime format strings.
Speaking of format strings, try this one: "o". Yup, one character, and the output is very easy for Splunk to parse.
PS C:\Users\hal> Get-Date -format o
2016-02-25T10:52:20.8004451-08:00Line 4: nothing wrong with it, but casting to [array] isn't necessary, nor are those parens. This would work fine:
... -Max $arraySeverity.Count
My favorite tip here, you don't need to make .NET dictionaries! A regular PowerShell hashtable will be coerced correctly. Example:
$header = @{Authorization = "Splunk $token"}
Last but not least, hashtables are also great for making your JSON input, along with the ConvertTo-Json cmdlet. This eliminates the need for some of the syntax bits you used. (Although if you do this as a one-liner, you will need to terminate each assignment with a semi-colon. I left them out here because CRLF does the trick.)
$event = @{
host = $env:COMPUTERNAME
sourcetype = "testevents"
event = @{
message = "something happened"
severity = $severity
} | ConvertTo-Json
"host": "DESKTOP-S7US6VG",
"event": {
"message": "something happened",
"severity": null
"sourcetype": "testevents"
Other notes:
- PowerShell (technically, the underlying .NET methods) hates self-signed certificates. Best to test with SSL off on your Splunk event collector settings, and if using SSL in production, use a real certificate. For much more detail and workarounds, see @jaykul post/code about it: https://github.com/Jaykul/Tunable-SSL-Validator
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Great remarks and modifications to my humble original example. great job @halr9000 !
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You get all the credit for doing it first, and inspiring me to add some polish. 🙂
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Here's what I came up with for a very basic example taking the above into account:
$token = "C3AD6A0B-2499-4070-AA51-765640DB9107"
$server = ""
$port = 32771
$url = "http://${server}:$port/services/collector/event"
$header = @{Authorization = "Splunk $token"}
$event = @{event = "hello world"} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $url -Headers $header -Body $event
Note: the reason there are curly braces around "server" above is to prevent the following colon from being picked up as a scope modifier. Otherwise it would parse to $server:32271
which is valid syntax, but would result in an empty result.
And the one-liner to compete with curl!
PS > irm -Method Post -Uri "" -Headers @{Authorization = "Splunk C3AD6A0B-2499-4070-AA51-765640DB9107"} -Body '{"event": "hello world"}'
text code
---- ----
Success 0
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Hi @halr9000 ,
I was able to send test events using the below command few days back.
irm -Method Post -Uri "https://URL.com/services/collector/event" -Headers @{Authorization = "Splunk token"} -Body '{"event": "test1 "}'
But when I tried sending a test event today it gave me an error.
irm : The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.
At line:1 char:1
+ irm -Method Post -Uri "https://URL.com/ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebE
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand
Any idea what could be causing this?
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Often that error ties to TLS settings. Force TLS1.2 with this command :
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
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Token expired? Try getting more information from your error. Look here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38419325/catching-full-exception-message
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The is working fine when sending data using curl command from Linux OS.