I've been studying and creating several pieces of code to take advantage of the wonders of the HTTP Event Collector and noticed noone published a PowerShell sample, then since I created one I decided to share it with you all:
$response = ""
$formatteddate = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:sstt zzz}" -f (Get-Date)
$arraySeverity = 'INFO','WARN','ERROR'
$severity = $arraySeverity[(Get-Random -Maximum ([array]$arraySeverity).count)]
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Authorization", 'Splunk 653C164D-0AFB-4DFC-ADE0-D9084B03490F')
$body = '{
"host":"' + $env:computername + '",
"source":"Geoff''s PowerShell Script",
"message":"Something Happened on host ' + $env:computername + '",
"severity":"' + $severity + '",
"user": "'+ $env:username + '",
"date":"' + $formatteddate + '"
$splunkserver = "http://yoursplunkserver.com:8088/services/collector/event"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $splunkserver -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $body
"Code:'" + $response.code + "' text:'"+ $response.text + "'"
The key to the communication is the "Invoke-RestMethod" command, which is capable of performing the http call necessary to communicate with Splunk. Authentication headers for this method must be passed as a dictionary object so I created a collection of one to define the Authorization token. Everything else is pretty much straightforward, just the same as using curl.
Since PowerShell is JSON-friendly, you can capture the JSON response directly and use as variables like I did on the last line and perform some error treatment if necessary. If everything is right, this script should return something like "Code:'0' text:'Success'"
Thanks to Glenn Block for posting useful articles on the HTTP Event Collector and providing invaluable help on this and C# SDK.
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