I am using this stanza to monitor Linux directory
disabled = 0
followTail = 0
crcSalt =
whitelist = .nessus$
ignoreOlderThan = 30d
index = nessus
sourcetype = nessus
I get this error in the splunkd.log file on the U.F.
'02-22-2012 12:54:31.053 -0600 ERROR TailingProcessor - matching /opt/nessus/var/nessus/users/mikeh/reports/ against ^/opt/nessus/var/nessus/users/[^/]*/reports/$'
I also get the same error on other folders in the users directory. I have tried using the standard stanza like this, [monitor:///opt/nessus/var/nessus/users/.../reports/] but i get the same error messages
I had thought it was due to permissions but I fixed that problem.
Anyone know why I am getting errors on all the folders including the one I want to monitor?
what could be the stanza for monitoring linux directory
i tried [monitor:///home/cleo/Harmony/script/logs] with whitelist =*.log
whitelist = *.nessus$
If the full path is /opt/nessus/var/nessus/users/username/reports/report_name.nessus
Then it should be [monitor:///opt/nessus/var/nessus/users/*/reports] The * is for single directory depth where ... is one or more directories. So remove your trailing slash.
should be
if you want to match only pathnames that end in .nessus
sorry 'whitelist = *\.nessus'
you might be right. I tried just commenting out the whitelist item the 'whitelist = *.nessus'
it looks like this worked so I think the problem may be in the combo or the final directory name and the whitelist format
is the proper syntax.