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List all Search commands within Splunk ?

Super Champion

Hi guys,

Is there a way to list all search commands && a short description from Splunk engine? (As mentioned in docs). This is to help develop in corporate mode where there is no internet connection.

| rest /services/data/commands | table title

I tried above commands and it provides some of the commands, but not all.
Is there a way to display all "Splunk search" commands in above manner?

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0 Karma


Not sure if this all of them, but I think it should cover any command defined in a searchbnf.conf file.

| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/configs/conf-searchbnf
    | fields + title, shortdesc, description,, eai:acl.sharing, usage
    | search title="*-command"
    | eval
        command=replace(title, "-command$", "")
    | fields + command, shortdesc, description

Revered Legend

The rest command you mentioned lists only the Python commands (not all built-in commands), and I am not sure there is any dynamic way to get that list and/or descriptions. Best way will be to prepare content with all search commands (count~130). It could be an html/pdf/lookup and will be available for offline use.

0 Karma


You could save some of the documentation as a PDF:

Search Command Cheat Sheet

If you look at the left bar, you will see a red link for downloading the entire manual as a PDF. Notice that there is both a Cheat Sheet and a Quick Reference Guide that can be downloaded as PDFs as well.

0 Karma

Super Champion

thanks Lisa. I was actually looking for automated way using "REST"

0 Karma
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