Assume I have this key value pair in splunk
the uri parameters could be in any order. If I want to search for a specific value I’m forced to do something like
| search uri_query=“*sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp*”
this is very slow for obvious reasons
if I run
| search sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp
This is very fast, but includes results where this value might be in the refer field rather than the uri_query field.
is there a better way to do these needle in a haystack searches?
Here's a kludgy, untested way to parse the uri_query field.
... | eval oldraw=_raw
| eval _raw=uri_query
| extract pairdelim="&" kvdelim="="
| eval _raw=oldraw
| search sclient="mobile-gws-wiz-hp"