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How to extract the .csv file as key value pairs in splunk ?


I am receiving a .csv file data from the forwarder to splunk. The .csv will be rolled and will be created a new csv file which has the header(1) as fields which is mentioned below and the the second events gives the values for the header field. So how can we create a searh which gives a key value pair ?

eg: uid = 868B17148C74F8E000C221DE19880DE24CB0DB18 , id = 1530219670 and so on ....


868B17148C74F8E000C221DE19880DE24CB0DB18;1530219670;137;1535135041;Finished;;115;12997;sip:*;;00:00:00:00:00:00;5060;Twilio Gateway;"sip:;user=app";;00:00:00:00:00:00;5060;ININ-TsServer/;sip:;106450a01608d3bf7dcd6c8b157b232b;36787548_6772d868_735cfbe8-0c8a-4a12-87d7-fae3a224a123;2Am7hhq;;;1.000000;PCMU,telephone-event;PCMU,telephone-event;ml_0_1_26_178251_176,ml_0_1_26_178431_179,ml_0_1_26_178614_1061;;;Q.850;16;;;sip:;reason=unconditional;;1;;5;5;;;;;;;**;;1;;3.552500;;;200;audio;;;115.970000;Successful;0;0;0;0

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Ultra Champion

Hi @arunsoni,

Splunk provides csv extraction and it will map header with respective data, for this you need to configure props.conf on your universal forwarder as with sourcetype csv

For example: props.conf

sourcetype = csv

I hope this helps.


0 Karma


Hi Arun,
you can add regex to extract fields while search, add something like this to your search | extract pairdelim="\"{,}" kvdelim=":"
or you can add the Rex field rex field=field "(?<StationName>[^\;]+)\

Or make add the extractions to your props.conf

0 Karma
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