I feel i'm so close, but can't quite make it work. I've tried map and am now trying a sub search (I think it's a sub search). I'm trying to get the time difference between two events, but now using the "_time" field, instead using a timestamp field of my own. My events look something like this
action: "start",
timestamp: "2021-07-13T03:44:46.100Z"
action: "end",
timestamp: "2021-07-13T03:44:46.260Z"
And my query so far is
index=* action=start
| eval start_time=timestamp
| join correlationId [ search index=action=end | eval end_time=timestamp ]
| eval timeTaken=end_time-start_time
But timeTaken is never populated. It seams my `timestamp` field has a "none" in it as well as a timestamp, but i'm not sure why as the raw text does not have any spaces or anything.
I also tried a selfjoin, that overwrite the first `timestamp` with the second one, and a map, which came back with no results.
It looks like the timestamp field is multi-valued. The strptime function doesn't work with multi-valued fields. Use mvindex to select one of the values or visit how the timestamp field is created to avoid multi-values.
You can't do math on timestamp strings because they're not numbers. Convert them to integers using strptime() and then do the math.
index=* action=start
| eval start_time=timestamp
| join correlationId [ search index=action=end | eval end_time=timestamp ]
| eval endTime=strptime(end_time,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N%Z"), startTime=strptime(start_time,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N%Z")
| eval timeTaken=endTime-startTime
Ok cool, I didn't know that! So I think that takes me a step closer but I'm still not getting a value for `timeTaken` in the result. I think my input timestamps have multiple values (though they shouldn't), would that effect it? See attached a screenshot of the Splunk GUI showing one of the timestamps on one of the input events.
It looks like the timestamp field is multi-valued. The strptime function doesn't work with multi-valued fields. Use mvindex to select one of the values or visit how the timestamp field is created to avoid multi-values.
`mvindex` was the missing piece! Thank you very much. My final query was in the form of
| eval singleTimestamp=mvindex(timestamp, 1) | eval start_time=singleTimestamp
| join correlationId
[ search index=* action=end | eval singleTimestamp=mvindex(timestamp, 1) | eval end_time=singleTimestamp ]
| eval endTime=strptime(end_time,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N%Z"), startTime=strptime(start_time,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N%Z")
| eval timeTaken=floor((endTime-startTime)*1000)