We have installed and configured Splunk Universal forwarder 6.6.1 on AIX server. It is working fine and I am able to see the logs in Splunk Enterprise 6.6.1. However the splunk universal forwarder is not anonymizing/masking the data before forwarding it to the indexer when we use regex/sed. Even tried with masking the data at indexer level but no luck.
it's not possible in Splunk anonimize data on Forwarders, data mask is performed at index time on indexers (see https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.6.1/Data/Anonymizedata )
the only way to mask data on forwarders (but it isn't easy) is to pre-parse logs using a script, I don't suggest to do this!
Anyway to do this follow this example (with example regexes):
on props.conf
TRANSFORMS-anonymize = session-anonymizer, ticket-anonymizer
on transforms.conf
REGEX = (?m)^(.*)SessionId=\w+(\w{4}[&"].*)$
FORMAT = $1SessionId=########$2
DEST_KEY = _raw
REGEX = (?m)^(.*)Ticket=\w+(\w{4}&.*)$
FORMAT = $1Ticket=########$2
DEST_KEY = _raw
Universal forwarders do not mask data, but your indexers should. If it's not working then there's probably a setting that needs to be changed. Please share the appropriate props.conf and transforms.conf stanzas along with a sample event (please scrub proprietary data).
Thanks for your quick reply ric:
Sample Log Event: 99xxxxxx0
SEDCMD-ssn = s/\d{5}(\d{4})/xxx-xx-\1/g
Nothing was added to transforms.conf