Hey, I'm hoping this will be straight forward 🙂
In the following code:
<input type="text" token="name">
What attribute would I need to add to this input type to increase the size/length of the text box?
The current length is not adequate to display all of the data I wish to enter for a form search.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I managed to solve my own problem lol.
I inserted the following code into a custom application.css file:
{ width:500px;}
This CSS code enables me to change the properties of any tag named input. In this case, I just specified a larger width than the default for the text boxes in my form.
You can specify a custom stylesheet within the form element in simple xml:
<form stylesheet="large_input.css">
I managed to solve my own problem lol.
I inserted the following code into a custom application.css file:
{ width:500px;}
This CSS code enables me to change the properties of any tag named input. In this case, I just specified a larger width than the default for the text boxes in my form.
I can type all the data I wish to type into this textbox however the textbox is too small to display all of this data at the same time