What will be the best way to implement the below request ?
We need to configure the some logs to be forwarded from Splunk to MCAS Server (Server in the same network like Splunk server )
Logs should be forwarded in Syslog or FTP and based on a specific query
See the docs at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/Forwarding/Forwarddatatothird-partysystemsd . While some filtering is possible, you cannot forward the results of a query.
See the docs at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.3/Forwarding/Forwarddatatothird-partysystemsd . While some filtering is possible, you cannot forward the results of a query.
I am getting "Hi! This page does not exist, or has been removed from the Documentation."
so is there another way to send search results to external system ?
Splunk didn't like the period at the end of the sentence. Try the revised answer.
thanks , I was able to open the doc
so there is no way to sent the results of such query to external system ?
index=websense AND act="Permitted"
| fields _time, suser, src, dst, act, request, in, out
| convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ctime(_time) as Time
| table Time, suser, src, dst, act, request, in, out
No straightforward way. You could schedule a report that saves query results in a CSV file and use a cron job to ship that file to another system.
and if I want to send in CEF format to the MCAS server
where I define the target server ?
Your cron job could invoke a Python script that does the conversion. The target server could be in the script or an external configurable.
Thanks a lot