I've a universal forwarder on a Linux machine that forwards Security Onion logs to my Splunk instance.
Logs are coming to network interface via port 9998 (checked tcpdump), When I try to search with;
index=_internal metrics kb group=per_sourcetype_thruput | eval sizeMB = round(kb/1024,2)| stats sum(sizeMB) by series | sort -sum(sizeMB) | rename sum(sizeMB) AS "Size on Disk (MB)"
It shows source names etc. and logs are coming to my instance but when I try to see the logs, I can't find the logs. They're being saved somewhere but I can't figure out the search to see them.
How can i do this?
You could have a timestamp problem. Try searching All Time to see if Splunk is logging the events in the future.
You could have a timestamp problem. Try searching All Time to see if Splunk is logging the events in the future.
Thanks! It was.
Please accept the answer.
It wasn't available yesterday. Now it is accepted i guess. Thanks again!