I have a heavy forwarder configured this way
sourcetype = syslog
index = abc
connection_host = ip
disabled = 0
So any server sending syslog on UDP 514 is hitting my heavy forwarder and getting sent to my indexers.
I want to block events from a set of servers, as I don't want them to be indexed. They are consuming my licenses.
I am trying to do this in props.conf and transforms.conf
TRANSFORMS-abc = drop_events
and in my transforms.conf, I have this
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
But this is not dropping the events from this server. I can still events being indexed real time when i search.
What am I doing wrong? I have a few more servers which I need to block this way.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
For syslog events, dropping events works in a different way. I was able to finally get it to work. Posting it here, so that it might help someone else who is facing the same kind of situation.
Because of the way Splunk identifies and cooks a syslog, the syslog event ends up getting cooked using one of the configurations in the default props.conf called syslog-host
We will have to override that so that the events get dropped first before Splunk tries to cook the event.
For example, if we want to drop all syslog events coming from server that have expr in their names, then this needs to be done this way
Ad this to prop.sconf
TRANSFORMS = drop_events_syslog, syslog-host
And add drop_events_syslog in transforms.conf:
REGEX = :\d\d\s+(?:\d+\s+|(?:user|daemon|local.?)\.\w+\s+)*\[?(.*expr.*)\]?\s
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
The most important thing here is that, in props.conf, we have to mention our drop stanza first and then also mention the syslog-host stanza. This will ensure syslog-host stanza gets handled after drop gets handled.
For syslog events, dropping events works in a different way. I was able to finally get it to work. Posting it here, so that it might help someone else who is facing the same kind of situation.
Because of the way Splunk identifies and cooks a syslog, the syslog event ends up getting cooked using one of the configurations in the default props.conf called syslog-host
We will have to override that so that the events get dropped first before Splunk tries to cook the event.
For example, if we want to drop all syslog events coming from server that have expr in their names, then this needs to be done this way
Ad this to prop.sconf
TRANSFORMS = drop_events_syslog, syslog-host
And add drop_events_syslog in transforms.conf:
REGEX = :\d\d\s+(?:\d+\s+|(?:user|daemon|local.?)\.\w+\s+)*\[?(.*expr.*)\]?\s
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
The most important thing here is that, in props.conf, we have to mention our drop stanza first and then also mention the syslog-host stanza. This will ensure syslog-host stanza gets handled after drop gets handled.
I even tried changing [host::XX.XX.XXX.XXX] to [host::hostname] but still no luck