I have one Index that has two different sources. One source has current data and another has historical data. Both have the same fields. I want to append data current in historical data incase there are any changes in current data by user that should be reflected in historical data. I want one side current data in column, & on the other side, there would be historical data in another column.
Trying below command
source="historical" PERIOD="Q1" YEAR="2012" | Table PERIOD, YEAR | append [index=prod source="current" PERIOD="Q2" YEAR="2012" | Table PERIOD, YEAR]
Please try like below:
index="your index" source="historical" PERIOD="Q1" YEAR="2012"
|join [search index=prod source="current" PERIOD="Q2" YEAR="2012"
|table PERIOD, YEAR]
Please try like below:
index="your index" source="historical" PERIOD="Q1" YEAR="2012"
|join [search index=prod source="current" PERIOD="Q2" YEAR="2012"
|table PERIOD, YEAR]
If above solution resolved your problem, can you please accept the answer?