Hi Splunkers,
I am very new to Splunk and would like to monitor Windows servers, how do I configure the Windows boxes to send their event data over to Splunk indexer? The indexer is installed in a Linux environment. Installing a Splunk forwarder on each Windows box does not seam to be a good option at my place.
Thank you for your advice.
Do you have a specific reason for thinking that it's not a good option to install a forwarder on each Windows server? This is exactly what I would do. The docs have good information on this subject, this is a good start: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Data/AboutWindowsdataandSplunk
EDIT: Oh, and this is even more excellent, covers exactly what you're asking about! http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/4.3/Data/ConsiderationsfordecidinghowtomonitorWindowsdat...
An updated link that furthers @ayn's point:
What are the best practices for installing Splunk on Windows endpoints?