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Can you index images with Splunk?

Path Finder

Is it possible to index images in splunk?
I want to gather logs from a certain location, so I specified an index like this:


However, that location will contain multiple types of data, specifically, logs and images. I want to use those images in my splunk dashboards, so I changed my index.conf to look like this:


This doesn't seem to work. I looked into using fschange but it looks like you can't use monitor and fschange on the same directory (according to:

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1 Solution


A creative solution :

If you want to monitor the images using Splunk.
Create an active script which will update a text file whenever an image is added into a directory prefixing it with the timestamp(add size if you want) the image was put into the directory.
Then index this text file in Splunk 🙂

View solution in original post

Ultra Champion

You could use the Command Modular Input to execute a command that looks in a directory , finds images files and indexes those image file paths/names in Splunk.


find /Users/ddallimore/Desktop -type f -exec file {} \; | awk -F: '{ if ($2 ~/[Ii]mage|EPS/) print $1}'

Setup a Command Modular Input stanza to fire the command

alt text

Search in Splunk

alt text

Esteemed Legend

Are you sure Splunk is the right tool for this situation? Whenever people are working with documents, I usually suggest MarkLogic which has tools to help you generate the metadata that you are describing. It is an incredible product and does things in a totally different way than Splunk and is better suited for non-plain-text data sources:

P.S. These are the main guys that swooped in and made actually work; without them, it probably never would have.

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Fair point, but I think you mean MarkLogic, not Mark/Space.

Esteemed Legend

Thank you for the correction; I have updated my answer.

0 Karma


A creative solution :

If you want to monitor the images using Splunk.
Create an active script which will update a text file whenever an image is added into a directory prefixing it with the timestamp(add size if you want) the image was put into the directory.
Then index this text file in Splunk 🙂

Revered Legend

I don't think so Splunk is a tool for this requirement (indexing image). I believe you'd need some bigdata solution to store that and then you can use Splunk HUNK to do image search.

0 Karma

Path Finder

I really just wanted the file names so I can embed them in the dashboard. No need for bigdata solutions

0 Karma
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