I have two logs with sourcetype="alphalog"
and sourcetype="betalog"
with the generic timestamp _time present.
I am joining them on a field called accountId
What I want to do is to be able to find the difference between the "_time"
values if possible ?
How do I find the time difference (epoch time is fine too) between two _time values in two difference log files ?
Although it might not be the fastest, you can use "transaction".
sourcetype="alphalog" OR sourcetype="betalog" | transaction accountId maxspan=10m| timechart duration by accountId
Transaction calculates the duration in seconds for each transaction.
You can also do a stats and eval:
sourcetype="alphalog" OR sourcetype="betalog" | stats latest(_time) as lt earliest(_time) as et by accountId| eval duration = lt - et| table duration accountID
Although it might not be the fastest, you can use "transaction".
sourcetype="alphalog" OR sourcetype="betalog" | transaction accountId maxspan=10m| timechart duration by accountId
Transaction calculates the duration in seconds for each transaction.
You can also do a stats and eval:
sourcetype="alphalog" OR sourcetype="betalog" | stats latest(_time) as lt earliest(_time) as et by accountId| eval duration = lt - et| table duration accountID
It's all in manuals 🙂
Let's say you have a set of events where the IP address is extracted to either clientip or ipaddress. This example defines a new field called ip, that takes the value of either clientip or ipaddress, depending on which is not NULL (exists in that event):
... | eval ip=coalesce(clientip,ipaddress)
I have a stupid question for followup 🙂 !
What if the field was named accountNumber in alphalog and accountId in betalog, how would the searches that you suggested change (obviously a join is involved)