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Calculate duration of two different events


I have logs which shows the job status ( Running, succeeded and failed) and all jobs have unique job id , now I want to calculate the duration it took to get failed or succeeded for each job id. Here, all jobs id would have two event first one -running and second - succeeded or failed.  How it can be done 



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The range function should do the job.  It computes the difference between the first and last events.

index=infra_automation sourcetype=rundeck_execution
| stats range(_time) as duration, latest(status) as last_status by job_id
| sort - job_id
| eval duration = tostring(duration,"duration")
| table job_id data time last_status duration


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The range function should do the job.  It computes the difference between the first and last events.

index=infra_automation sourcetype=rundeck_execution
| stats range(_time) as duration, latest(status) as last_status by job_id
| sort - job_id
| eval duration = tostring(duration,"duration")
| table job_id data time last_status duration


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Thanks a lot @richgalloway .. I was trying with other options like appendcol etc but did not go through the basic one range.. 

Thank you !

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