I'm trying to build a chart for simple volume / month. I do a simple timechart span=1mon with a count field and the search produces the desired output. However, when I use the advanced module for creating the chart, the "time" axis is grouped in 2 month increments, and I'd like to have every month displayed as a major tick. (axis x says "January, March, May" and I'd like to see "January, February, March, April")
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong in this code? Or for that matter, how to produce the outcome I spell out above? Should I be using a numeric property instead of the time property?
10 <module name="HiddenSavedSearch" layoutPanel="panel_row1_col1" group="Sum of Claims" autoRun="True">
11 <param name="savedSearch">HTAnalytics_SumOfClaims_Chart1</param>
12 <module name="HiddenChartFormatter">
13 <param name="chart">area</param>
14 <param name="charting.axislabelsX.majorUnit">P1M</param>
15 <param name="charting.axislabelsX.minorUnit">P1M</param>
16 <param name="primaryAxisTitle.text">Month of Year</param>
17 <param name="secondaryAxisTitle.text">Claims Per Month</param>
18 <param name="legend.placement">none</param>
19 <module name="FlashChart"/>
20 </module>
21 </module>
I found the issue, it's actually nothing more then a typo on my part, axisLabelsX is case sensitive, and I used a lower case l. Thanks all that took a look!
I found the issue, it's actually nothing more then a typo on my part, axisLabelsX is case sensitive, and I used a lower case l. Thanks all that took a look!