What packages must be installed on a Debian system before I can install Splunk Enterprise?
Splunk does not explicitly require any additional packages to be installed on a Debian system. Installation instructions may be found at: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.2/Installation/InstallonLinux#Debian_DEB_install
Accurate system time is essential for the optimum operation of all Splunk components. Please consider installing and configuring as a service ntp on all your Debian systems hosting Splunk.
Splunk does not explicitly require any additional packages to be installed on a Debian system. Installation instructions may be found at: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.2/Installation/InstallonLinux#Debian_DEB_install
Accurate system time is essential for the optimum operation of all Splunk components. Please consider installing and configuring as a service ntp on all your Debian systems hosting Splunk.
I don't expect that Splunk has any dependencies. The installation notes can be found here : http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Installation/InstallonLinux#Debian_DEB_install
It just specifies that you install the DEB package.