UF etc/apps/remo/local
placed the inputs,outputs,props and tranforms configuration files and search the data in indexer+SearchHead servers , Events are received Successfully.
[monitor://E:\KS Application GBR (GR)\sbxLogs\]
index = ks_dev
sourcetype = ks_logs
crcSalt = <SOURCE>
server =
useACK = true
REGEX = ^[\d|-]*\s[\d|:|,]*\s(INFO|WARN).*$
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
Same configuration updated in the deployment server etc\deploymentapps\ksapp\local
[monitor://E:\KS Application GBR (GR)\sbxLogs\]
index = ks_dev
sourcetype = ks_logs
crcSalt = <SOURCE>
server = 1.2 3.4:9997
useACK = true
REGEX = ^[\d|-]*\s[\d|:|,]*\s(INFO|WARN).*$
DEST_KEY = queue
FORMAT = nullQueue
Events are receiving the SH+indexer server
Note: in my account there is no HeavyForwarder instance.
please help how to do configuration in deployment server.
If I understand you correctly, you want the settings you defined on your DS to propagate to forwarders across your environment (or at least to some designated UF(s)).
You did the first step correctly - you created an app in etc/deployment-apps (I hope the "deploymentapps" in your description is just a typo). But now you have to define a server class tying app(s) to deployment client(s) and deload deployment server.
See the https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/Updating/Aboutdeploymentserver document (read thoroughly the pages about creating server classes and deploying apps).
I suppose that you have UF which get its configurations from DS. Then you have distributed SH + Indexer(s), but not any HFs. Is this correct assumption?
If so you should deploy inputs.conf and outputs.conf to UF from DS, as you probably have done as you will get events into indexer(s). As those trasforms.conf and props.conf didn't work, I assume that. you haven't install those into indexer(s)?
Based on these assumptions, you should create a new app which contains those transforms and props.confs and install it into indexer(s). Then do a restart and check if it's working.
Anyhow you should do this kind on onboarding on separate instance, like your workstation. There just ensure that your configurations are working and then install those into production.
r. Ismo
What is it you expect the Deployment Server to do?
A DS has no use for props.conf, transforms.conf, or inputs.conf. It uses outputs.conf to send its logs to the indexer(s).