I was using a HF before and wanted to switch to a UF. I had a props.conf file in the etc/system/local with this:
sourcetype = mysourcetype
priority = 20
I am not not getting the newly installed UF to index the files. The reason to switch was we are not not doing anything else but read the file and forward on. Also was moving this to be managed by deployment server as well. Thanks.
Actually this is working now. Looks like just some delay in getting the confs to come all in and data be read. Was just concerned when I was not seeing this that the props.conf file was being completely ignored due to being a UF.
look here:
In Splunk 4.1 and later, you can access a debugging endpoint that shows status information about monitored files. https://your-splunk-server:8089/services/admin/inputstatus/TailingProcessor:FileStatus Note that this may change in the future, and is a somewhat rough prototype of the monitor behavior inspection.
Thanks for the info, will help in the future. BTW - like the FileStatus. Looks like if UI is off (which it is on UF) then cannot use it.
Actually this is working now. Looks like just some delay in getting the confs to come all in and data be read. Was just concerned when I was not seeing this that the props.conf file was being completely ignored due to being a UF.
Are you not seeing the files at all or is the sourcetype not assigned correctly? If the props stanza fails (I dont see why) then the inputs specified in inputs.conf should still be read and forwarded.